Processing the Pod w. Dario and Xenobia Bailey
11 Oct 2020
A lot of time, the conversations I have with guests offline are JUST as interesting as the interview itself. So today, we’re trying something a little different... The tables are turned! Today’s episode is well, not an episode, but a conversation. If you listened to last week’s episode with artist Xenobia Bailey, and if you haven’t, you definitely should, towards the end, Xenobia laments not asking me any questions, and so I obliged, you know, off the record, and for the first time in the history of this podcast, it is I who was in the hot seat. One of my favorite seats in the house.
Oh, we spoke of many things. We touched on my list of favorite photographers, my recent Vanity Fair cover with Actress Viola Davis, why we really don’t know anything, how thought is faster than the speed of light, and why I even started this podcast in the first place,
I really hope you enjoy this experimental format and please let us know your thoughts over on instagram at @blackimaginationpodcast and over on twitter @blkimagination with the hashtag #processingthepod. Share some of your favorite quotes, be sure to pass along to a friend, and rate an review us over on iTunes and Sticher. We really want to grow this beautiful community we’ve created together. I’m a little nervous, but here we go: our first, Processing the Pod conversation, with artist Xenobia Bailey.
Links we mention in this episode:
(Fashion Photographer Erwin Blumenfeld.)
("Gutai: Splendid Playground" at Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.) (Tatsumi Hijikata, Father of Butoh (Youtube))
Oh, we spoke of many things. We touched on my list of favorite photographers, my recent Vanity Fair cover with Actress Viola Davis, why we really don’t know anything, how thought is faster than the speed of light, and why I even started this podcast in the first place,
I really hope you enjoy this experimental format and please let us know your thoughts over on instagram at @blackimaginationpodcast and over on twitter @blkimagination with the hashtag #processingthepod. Share some of your favorite quotes, be sure to pass along to a friend, and rate an review us over on iTunes and Sticher. We really want to grow this beautiful community we’ve created together. I’m a little nervous, but here we go: our first, Processing the Pod conversation, with artist Xenobia Bailey.
Links we mention in this episode:
(Fashion Photographer Erwin Blumenfeld.)
("Gutai: Splendid Playground" at Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.) (Tatsumi Hijikata, Father of Butoh (Youtube))
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